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CategoryProduct nameFeatures(Highlights)Standard
EMP test system Bounded wave EMP
 test system
  •  ●The generator can be moved to facilitate
  •       debugging and replacement.
  •  ●Remote control.
  •  ●Centralized load design is adopted for
  •       terminal load.

 Radiation wave
 EMP test system
  •  ●Professional standard test training and
  •       value-added services of system
  •       reinforcement design.
  •  ●Fully automated standard testing of the
  •       whole process.
  •  ●The test system can be customized.
  •  ●Margin of safety test can be performed.
 PCI test system
 CW irradiation test
 Mobile EMP test
MIL-STD-461 test system CE101 test system
  •  ●Combined with EMC facilities, the
  •       background noise is low, which is far
  •       better than the margin index required
  •       by the standard.
  •  ●Compatible with the global major power
  •       supply types.
 All tests
 conform to
 CE102 test system
 RE101 test system
 RE102 test system
 CE106 test system
  •  ●Tests covering transmitters, amplifiers
  •       and receivers.
  •  ●Customization service for special filter of
  •       EUT.
 RE103 test system ●Customization service for special filter of
 CS101 test system
  •  ●The high sensitivity precise voltage sensor
  •       technology is used to solve the problem
  •       of AC base wave.
  •  ●Wide dynamic range and wide voltage
  •       range technology (measuring voltage is
  •       from 1mV, to 1000V).
  •  ●Compatible with RTCA DO-16. Chapter
  •       18.
 CS103 test system
  •  ●Efficient compliance verification test
  •       program.
  •  ●Precise evaluative test program.
 CS104 test system
 CS105 test system
 CS114 test system
  •  ●Wide test frequency range: 2kHz~400
  •       MHz, covering the standard test
  •       requirements. (especially for low
  •       frequency test of EUT of solid state
  •       power supply on
  •       ship or submarine)
  •  ●High security: automatic system fault
  •       monitoring, automatic fault protection.
 CS115 test system ●Actual induced current monitoring
 CS116 test system
 RS103 test system
  •  ●Wide test frequency range: 10kHz ~
  •       40GHz, filed strength 200V/m.
  •  ●High accuracy: Multi-probe application,
  •       automated testing.
  •  ●High security: automatic system fault
  •       monitoring, automatic fault protection.
 RS105 test system ●The field strength is continuously
 CE107 test system ●Product features meet standards.
 CS117 test system
 CS118 test system
 RS101 test system
 CS102 test system
 CS106 test system
 CS109 test system
 CS112 test system
EMC test facility Semi-anechoic
  •  ●Low background noise, much better than
  •       the minimum level required by MIL-STD
  •       -461G standard.
  •  ●Frequency range: 9kHz~40GHz
  •       (optional: 50GHz), shielded efficiency
  •       is better than the requirements of 
  •       EN 50147-1.
 shielded chamber
  •  ●Low background noise, much better than
  •       the minimum level required by MIL-
  •       STD-461G standard.
  •  ●Frequency range: 9kHz~18GHz (optional:
  •       40GHz), shielded efficiency is better
  •       than the requirements of  EN 50147-1.
 Reverberation chamber
  •  ●Frequency range: 200MHz~18GHz
  •       (optional:  40GHz).
  •  ●The reverberation chamber size and
  •       internal configuration can be
  •       customized.
 shielded vehicle
  •  ●Mobile shielding test vehicle.
  •  ●Frequency range: 9kHz~18GHz
  •       (optional: 40GHz)
  •  ●The size and internal configuration of the
  •       mobile electromagnetic shielded
  •       vehiclecan be customized.
 Open area test site
  •  ●The size and configuration of the OATS
  •       can be customized (such as turntable,
  •       reflective floor, etc.).
HPM test system HPM threat level
 irradiation test system
  •  ●Professional standard test training and 
  •       value-added service of system
  •       reinforcement design.
  •  ●Fully automated standard testing of the
  •       whole process.
  •  ●The test system can be customized.
  •  ●Safety margin test can be performed.
 HPM irradiation
 equivalent test system
 HPM injection
 equivalent test system
 Mobile HPM test
External RF EME test system RF EME full level
 irradiation test system
  •  ●Test frequency range: 10kHz ~ 45GHz
  •  ●Professional standard test training and 
  •       value-added service of system
  •       reinforcement design.
  •  ●Safety margin test can be performed.
Lightning test system Lightning direct effect
 test system
  •  ●Fully automated standard testing of the
  •       whole process.
  •  ●Professional standard test training and 
  •       value-added service of system
  •       reinforcement design.
  •  ●Safety margin test can be performed.
 Lightning direct effect
 test system
Electrostatic charge control test system Human electrostatic
 test system
  •  ●Discharge voltage: ±0.2kV~±30kV
  •  ●Professional standard test training and 
  •       value-added service of system
  •       reinforcement design.
  •  ●Safety margin test can be performed.
  Precipitation static test
  •  ●Discharge voltage: ±50kV~±300kV
  •  ●Maximum discharge current: 10mA
  •  ●Professional standard test training and 
  •       value-added service of system
  •       reinforcement design.
  •  ●Safety margin test can be performed.
 300kV electrostatic test
  •  ●Discharge voltage: ±50kV~±300kV
  •  ●Professional standard test training and 
  •       value-added service of system
  •       reinforcement design.
  •  ●Safety margin test can be performed.
Emission control(EMCON)test system Emission control(EMCON)
 test system
  •  ●Test frequency range: 500kHz~40GHz
  •  ●Low noise floor test system.
  •  ●Fully automated standard testing of the
  •       whole process.
  •  ●The mobile EMCON test system can be
  •       customized (used for site test, and the
  •       electromagnetic background of the site
  •       will be evaluated before the test).
  •  ●Professional standard test training.

Other electromagnetic compatibility testing system and equipment

 Magnetic field test,
 Electric field test,
 Antenna port
 interference voltage
 test, etc.

  •  ●Fully automated standard testing of the
  •       whole process.
  •  ●Professional standard test training .
  •  ●The test system can be customized.

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